Saturday, January 3, 2009

TwilightStar1014: i legitimately miss janice time

I am beyond exhausted. I hardly slept last night for no reason really...I just got into another Jodi Picoult book and I can never seem to put her books down. Even when it's 5 or 6am and I have to be up in 3 hours or so.

Once again I'm up late, and it's 2:30am here in London.

Edward Scissorhands was amazing Friday afternoon. I would see it again in a heartbeat. The music, sets, dancing, and just EVERYTHING made it one of the absolute best performances I've ever seen...ever. So fantastic. And beautiful. I laughed and cried and got shivers and everything. Very wonderful.

Blah once again I don't have the energy or will to finish a decent post. And I've only posted not even half the almost 300 pics I've taken in the past two days. Oh man.

Do comment.

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