Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have a headache...

First of all, TEAM CONAN. Conan has been a sort of "celebrity" crush and idol of mine for years now. I feel personally insulted and hurt by the position he's being put in and what they're doing to the Tonight Show franchise.

Jay Leno? He's alright. I've watched him from time to time while waiting for Conan's show. Definitely over him, though. Put him on earlier or something. Before the old folk get to bed, they're the only ones watching him nowadays, anyway...

What a fantastic gig that would be. Hosting a late night talk show. Definitely a big-if not the biggest- fantasy of mine. I'd love to get into writing comedy, but every time I try coming up with original ideas, I freeze up. I'm handy with the witty one liners once in a while though. At least I think I am...crap...

Anyway...NBC...morons...still love "30 rock"..."the office" is headed downhill without at least some sexual tension to fall back on....David Tennant! He's coming to hollywood to be in a show on NBC! So weird. Sounds like a horrible concept for a show, but if anyone can make it work it'd be Tennant. To go from RSC to Hollywood is kind of disgusting though. Oh well.

I'm tired. And sick. G'night.