Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have so many goals. Well I don't know if you'd call them goals. I have so many...wishes...dreams...things I think I'd love to do. At least things I would love to try. There are farfetched goals (ie: host my own talk show) and more seemingly "mundane" goals such as becoming a housewife and mother. Not to say that there's anything easy or plain about being a mom because I personally think it's the toughest and most worthwhile job out there, but it's something I strongly believe that some people (not all, of course) persue just to hide from their other dreams. And someday when I do become a mom I hope I'm able to continue to persue a career and can look back on things I've done without regret.

So yes, my ultimate goal has always been to have kids. Do I want a child now? Absolutely freaking NO. Despite it being my ultimate goal, I respect the role enough to know it's going to consume my life, and I'm too selfish and completely NOT ready for that at all. There are other things I want to do. And you'd think I'd be able to find a job where I'm loving what I'm doing when there are so many things I'd like to do.

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