Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm moving to Europe.

I'm not really 100% sure why I'm voting Obama this year.

I know I don't usually see eye to eye with my parents politically, but I at least understand where they're coming from. McCain does have more experience, but that-in my opinion-doesn't really make a difference to me. It's what he stands for. The fact that he thinks Viagra should be covered by health insurance and birth control shouldn't pisses me off. The fact that he wants to keep our people in Iraq pisses me off. At least talk about figuring out a different way of handling it cause clearly we're getting nowhere, man.

And I think a lot of my pro-Obama stance has to do with the fact that there's a bit of a risk of Palin becoming president if McCain is elected. It absolutely frightens me. Anyone who says Obama has no experience should eat their words, cause honestly, honey? A world with Sarah Palin as our leader is a horrible nightmare to even think about.

I just wish there were a candidate who didn't suck. Someone who had all the good bits about McCain and the good bits about Obama all mixed into one. I'm sick of all this conservative/liberal crap. I'll run for more welfare, raise taxes a little for health insurance (just like, y'know, the rest of the world does), more funding for education (just like, y'know, the rest of the world does, which is why they will be rolling in the dough while we're scrambling just to keep our banks from collapsing), etc etc.

Whatever. Tomorrow I think I'll post my opinion about Question 2 on the Massachusetts ballot. I'm sure I'll make a few enemies that way...

Three Fabulous British Things:
1. They don't have their prisons overflowing with marijuana-smoking criminals (if that gives you any indication of where I stand on question 2) due to decriminalization of marijuana (well, i believe it's a Class C, which is barely anything in England).
2. Molly Weasley.
3. It's not friggin' America, which is a silly country with silly laws and silly politicians.

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