Top 10 Things I Was Thankful For This Thanksgiving:
10. Kristen Donovan, my high school best friend, whose engagement to long-time boyfriend Jason Balinski made me pee myself at least a million times this week. Jason put me in a tough position asking me two months ago if I had any idea what kind of ring she'd want. I can't believe I was able to keep that secret for as long as I did...oy. I'm pretty sure I'm mostly thankful that I don't have to keep that secret anymore!
"Jason" (1:14:08 AM): so
"Jason" (1:14:18 AM): i may or may not be looking for a ring for kristen
"Jason" (1:14:18 AM): i may or may not be looking for a ring for kristen
Congratulations, you two!
9. My school friends. Whenever I was having a bit of stress this break (which was...hmm...every other second), I would text or IM a friend from school and I'd get the sweet reminder (in the form of a text message or facebook post) that I'll be back at school in a matter of days. In my amazing full sized bed with at least 7 pillows..mmmm...
8. My computer. At school I have the shitty $300 desktop I've had since before freshman year. I bought it myself on a retail cashier's income, so it's a pretty crappy computer. Fortunately, I've had memory added to it (thanks to Brian) and I have a new giant LCD monitor (thanks to my parents), which are great cause I play World of Warcraft, browse facebook, chat with friends, blog, email, teach myself to play guitar, watch episodes of all my favorite shows, watch movies, etc etc on this one small machine. It's amazing how my life pretty much revolves around this amazing tool of communication and entertainment. And I miss it so much while I'm at home here on Monica's slowwww computer (which doesn't have World of Warcraft installed, hmph).
7. Brian. I couldn't ask for a better person to share my love and friendship with. I'll ironically leave this bit short, even though I could write a book about everything I love about this man. Two years of my life and I couldn't be happier.

6. My new hair!!!! I don't really have a good pic of it, but I got my hair dyed (well, highlighted I guess) by Matt King as one of his last customers at the hair salon he works at. I'm in love with my hair, it has so many different brown colors in's the exact color (well colors I suppose haha) I've wanted for a long while. Thanks babe!
5. Amazing Food. Oh how I love mashed potatoes. And cheese ravioli. And turkey. And chocolate pie. And fudge. And...
5. Amazing Food. Oh how I love mashed potatoes. And cheese ravioli. And turkey. And chocolate pie. And fudge. And...
4. My health. Sure, I've been to more doctors appointments this year than I ever have been before in my entire life. Ever. But I'm still kickin', aren't I? I can't complain about my health problems when things could be so much worse. And if it turns out I do have something seriously wrong with me when all the test results come back...well, we'll take it from long as I'm not taking advantage of my health and life.
3. My family. What can I say? They drive me crazy the most, but they also
love me the most. Whether I'm embarrassing them by dancing crazy at the football game or attacking them with a hug from behind in the kitchen, I love my crazy siblings. I also love how many times I've used the word "crazy" in this section about my family...
2. My newfound ability to let things go. I think I've gotten to a level of maturity where I realize I don't need certain people in my life. And I can let those people go without it being the end of the world. It's quite liberating. I have this pack-rat tendency to never let anything go, whether it be a stupid pencil collection or old clothes I'll never wear again or an aggravating exboyfriend or two whom I talk to a lot, therefore raising my blood pressure...
1. Support from goood old friends.
REGULAR NO ONE: I'm proud of you
REGULAR NO ONE: you really have been making a lot of progress with letting assholes go
REGULAR NO ONE: years ago this wouldn't have been the case
REGULAR NO ONE: I think [she] pushed you over the edge and got you to the point of f*ck you world if you shit on me I'll kill ya
That pretty much says it all.
1. Support from goood old friends.
REGULAR NO ONE: I'm proud of you
REGULAR NO ONE: you really have been making a lot of progress with letting assholes go
REGULAR NO ONE: years ago this wouldn't have been the case
REGULAR NO ONE: I think [she] pushed you over the edge and got you to the point of f*ck you world if you shit on me I'll kill ya
That pretty much says it all.